Should I go with the WatchTower program?
Should I stick with the program?
Where and how to get baptized?
Who is God people?
To answer such questions we need to understand what Jesus has stablished as the principle which defines how a person would become God's child.
As we will see, such principle has nothing to do with a so called "Organization".
The Principle: "Those who love me will obey my teaching", "“Those who accept my commandments and obey them are the ones who love me."
John 14:23 In answer Jesus said to him: “If anyone loves me, he will observe my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our dwelling with him - with the person, the Individual
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"we will come to him and make our dwelling with him " |
"I too will love them and reveal myself to them."
John 14:21 Whoever has my commandments and observes [obeys] them is the one who loves me. In turn, whoever loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and will clearly show myself to him." - anointing him with the Holy Spirit. Jesus' revelation thru Holy Spirit.
The Result:
John 7:38 Whoever puts faith in me, just as the scripture has said: ‘From deep within him streams of living water [TRUTHS] will flow.’” - from the individual, not from an Organization.
John 4:14 Whoever drinks from the water that I will give him will never get thirsty at all, but the water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water bubbling up to impart everlasting life.”
So, the time is coming, and is already here, when everyone who loves the Truth (Jesus) will testify the Truth and will live up the Truth (worship the Father in Spirit and Truth) - John 4:23-24
Even though they will be expelled from the modern day synagogues - John 16:1
"There is no Alternative to Offer"? Really?
Some used to say: "I offer no alternative"
Well, There is an Alternative available.
What is the Alternative of a Falsehood? It is Truth.
"But they are God's people" - some used to say.
God's people is the one who loves and obeys the Truth. ("The one who loves me". - John 14:21)
In Jesus' days on earth , a people also used to call themselves as "God's people". But Jesus showed to them that God's people are the ones who listens to Truth. "You are not from God" - told Jesus, because they did not listen to Truth.
John 8:47 He who comes from God listens to God's words. You, however, are not from God, and that is why you will not listen.”
How about the routine? How about ministry?
"Going to the meetings"
Since a long time ago, we can worship God the Father neither in Jerusalem, neither in "this mount", neither is this "mount-like Organization". But we can worship the Father with Spirit and Truth in anywhere in this planet. You can do it in your private home for instance. John 4:21
Jah's Spirit is no longer dwelling in a "Building" (call it kingdom hall, church or whatsoever) (Matthew 23:21) . Jah's Spirit dwells in people. It does not matter where geographically they are located. 1 Cor 3:16
The "place" where God's Spirit dwells:
John 14:23 In answer Jesus said to him: “If anyone loves me, he will observe my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our dwelling with him - with the person, the Individual - not with a "Organization"
"Subjection" to falsehoods make us slaves of falsehoods.(But watch out for the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees.”Matthew 16:11-12)
We must stand for the truth no matter what...
Revelation 14:5 "and no deceit was found in their mouths; they are without blemish."
Some used to say: "But Jesus subjected himself to the Jewish system of things. He entered into synagogues , into the Temple."
As previously showed, for long time ago, the Father's Spirit is no longer tied to a physical Temple. The kingdom hall is not a place to be called "the house of my Father". To call the kingdom hall "Jehovah's house" is nothing but indoctrination.
God's habitation: in the individual
ohn 14:23 In answer Jesus said to him: “If anyone loves me, he will observe my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our dwelling with him.
Jesus indeed entered into synagogues in order to SPEAK, to TESTIFY the Truth.
Similarly (he set an example for us, didn't he?), We also MUST enter into the "modern day synagogues", namely kingdom halls, to SPEAK and Testify the truth, all the exact truth. And in doing so we will be expelled from the synagogues, as Jesus foretold.
John 16:1 “I have told you this, so that you will not give up your faith. 2 You will be expelled from the synagogues"
After being expelled from the "synagogue" by testifying truth (so that "no deceit is found in our mouths" - Rev 14:5) we are no longer allowed to speak any truth there. They proclaim our funeral. So, there is nothing to do there for the sake of truth.
Preaching from door to door
We can still preach door to door, even after being expelled from synagogues.
We just need to keep the streams of living water[TRUTHS], from deep within us, flowing. Keep it flowing. Keep the lamp "burning and shinning".
John 6:27 Do not work for [spiritual] food that spoils; instead, work for the food that lasts for eternal life. This is the food which the Son of Man will give you, because God, the Father, has put his mark of approval on him.”
In order to get baptized you need someone who flows streams of living water, so that you can be immersed on water in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit. (nothing else)
What about Judgment?
When we are exposed to the Light of Truth, then at the same time, we are also exposed to the judgment:
John 3:19 This is how the judgment works: the light has come into the world, but people love the darkness rather than the light, because their deeds are evil. 20 Those who do evil things hate the light and will not come to the light, because they do not want their evil deeds to be shown up. 21 But those who do what is true come to the light in order that the light may show that what they did was in obedience to God.
Zechariah 4:6 He then said to me: “This is the word of Jehovah to Zerubbabel: ‘“Not by a military force, nor by power, but by my spirit,” says Jehovah of armies. 7 Who are you, O great mountain [Organization]? Before Zerubbabel you will become a level land. And he will bring out the top stone amid shouts of: “How wonderful! How wonderful!”’”