Monday, June 14, 2021

The Modern Day Pharisees and their self-rightness Certificates

Pharisees are well known for condemning others while at the same time doing the very worst things.  

Some people are considering themselves as more righteous than others because of their "sanitary/medical" decisions, they think of themselves:  

"I have been taking care of the most vulnerable ones"

"I am proud I have taken measures in my life so that I am no longer putting others at risk"

 Is that really so?

Have you (Pharisees) also?

Have you also stopped riding airplanes, cars, or ships?

Have you also stopped making use of any sort of polluting things (e.g. industrial agriculture, dirty technology, etc) ?

If you haven't, then you have nothing to boast about -- you are still putting the most vulnerable people at risk of cardiovascular disease, lung cancer, stroke, etc.

Only in Europe, you are responsible for one in each eight deaths:

Don't you know that you are still poisoning vulnerable people? 

Furthermore, have you ever voted for a Government?

If so  -  then you must be held accountable for all the corruption and mishandling that your chosen authority has done. Your Government corruption is killing people now - a lot of them - and for several reasons. You have made that decision.   

Not mentioning all these wars...internal and abroad...that you have willingly financed with your taxes:  You have blood in your hands Pharisees! 

How about your own lifestyle? 

Don't you know that yours smoking, drinking,  sedentary lifestyle and sexual promiscuity are stealing from the vulnerable ones who suffer from non-avoidable diseases? Do you think it is moral that taxation should finance your misbehaviours? 

You are just coward ones trying to save your own....aspirations... 

You formulate or condone rules you want others to follow  - but you yourselves  are the ones practicing the most harmful things in the world!! 

You've given up yours and your children's self-ownership as a sacrifice to the modern-day Baal (Government) and you condemn others who don't want to follow you! 


You hypocrites!

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