Tuesday, December 28, 2021

The Reset of Old Traditions

Would you be in favor of putting one human-being to death in order to save a hundred thousand others human beings?
Well, there is a specific term for that practice - it is called human sacrifice. An old tradition.
Traditionally the individual is put to death against his will, so that he (or she) is actually murdered.

Do you approve or condone human sacrifice?

Imagine a bridge in which someone will certainly die while crossing thru it.
How about making this bridge a mandatory path for everyone?

Proxy Murder

Whenever medical procedures or rules pose risks to a human-life, a mandatory enforcement of such rules or procedures will result in human sacrifice. It will result in murder. 

Non risk-free practices can not be mandatory.
Whenever there is a risk -  it can not be mandatory.  

Pushing people to life-threatening risks they are not willing to take is equivalent to proxy killing. It is human-sacrifice.
Likewise blackmail or pressing people to take risks against their will is  also proxy murder.
If you condone human-sacrifice of any kind,  then you have blood on your hands. 

It goes without saying - for the so called ("Judeo-Christian") religious people - you should certainly know how people performing human-sacrifices is portrayed in the Scriptures - as Murderers. 

For non-religious people - Moral/Universal Law is the last resort. You are the ones initiating aggression and violence against others. Expect Force against you. It is Universal Law.




Friday, September 10, 2021

Hold the Line

People will hate you because you belong to the [Freedom].They will make you leave their group. They will insult you. They will think it is wrong even to say your name. When these things happen, know that great blessings belong to you. - Based on The Truth.

        Luke 6:22 -  Easy-to-Read Version + History Rhymes

"Satan answered the Lord, “Skin for skin! The man will give up everything that he owns in exchange for his health"

        Job 2:4 - International Standard Version 

Friday, September 3, 2021

mRNA - Realmente pronto para aplicação em escala mundial?

Como consequência do histórico de extrema corrupção e detrimento em educação - países como o Brasil possuem a maioria de sua população -  em pleno século 21 e mais de 30 anos de Internet - ainda incapaz de compreender a (há muito tempo) Língua Franca mundial, ou seja,  a língua Inglesa.

Por isso resolvi traduzir as ideias principais do podcast descrito abaixo que teve a participação do Inventor da tecnologia mRNA: Doutor Robert Malone.

As ideias principais são:

  • Um grande grupo de pessoas que sofreu consequências negativas das vacinas implantadas está sendo ignorado - há um esforço para silenciar suas vozes. Discussão livre e aberta está sendo suprimida e censurada.
  • A divulgação completa dos riscos especificamente dessas vacinas  está sendo censurada.
Qual é o problema com as vacinas implantadas - de acordo com o podcast ?

Normalmente quando alguém é vacinado - a vacina é aplicada no ombro e fica "alojada" na região do ombro, e o que acontece é que os anticorpos são gerados e atacam o antígeno que continua restrito nessa região.

Contudo dados da bio distribuição da vacina de mRNA mostram que, no caso dessa vacina especificamente,  ela não fica restrita no ombro - onde supostamente deveria ficar. Em vez disso, a proteína gerada percorre todo o  corpo: por exemplo, vai para o cérebro, para o seu coração, etc. 

 A vacina de mRNA codifica a "spike proteína" - para que o sistema imunológico aprenda a reconhecer a "proteína spike" e a detecte rapidamente quando o sistema for confrontado com vírus do covid19.

O problema é que  a proteína "spike"  é muito perigosa - é citotóxica.

Se a proteína spike estivesse sempre contida na membrana das células que estão fazendo a transcrição, ela seria muito menos destrutiva.

A proteína spike é biologicamente ativa e apresenta eventos adversos, pois não fica contida nas células que foram transfectadas - que receberam o RNA e o produziram.

O RNA entra na célula, é traduzido pelo ribossomo em uma proteína, neste caso é a proteína spike.

A tecnologia baseada em terapia genética aplicada a vacinas.

Esta vacina em particular cria o "pico de proteína" (proteína spike) e se separa para fora da célula e se espalha por todo o seu corpo: seu cérebro, seu coração - e você pode ter efeitos colaterais variados  - seja um indivíduo de 16 anos que não consegue falar ou ver  por 48 horas após ser injetado ou alguém que apresenta tremulação em suas mãos, ou alguém que adquire alguma deficiência física ( como incapacitado de andar)  - Essas são alguns dos efeitos colaterais dessas vacinas sofridos por essas vítimas.

Um dos problemas é supor que esta vacina é como outra qualquer - e não é.




Monday, June 14, 2021

The Modern Day Pharisees and their self-rightness Certificates

Pharisees are well known for condemning others while at the same time doing the very worst things.  

Some people are considering themselves as more righteous than others because of their "sanitary/medical" decisions, they think of themselves:  

"I have been taking care of the most vulnerable ones"

"I am proud I have taken measures in my life so that I am no longer putting others at risk"

 Is that really so?

Have you (Pharisees) also?

Have you also stopped riding airplanes, cars, or ships?

Have you also stopped making use of any sort of polluting things (e.g. industrial agriculture, dirty technology, etc) ?

If you haven't, then you have nothing to boast about -- you are still putting the most vulnerable people at risk of cardiovascular disease, lung cancer, stroke, etc.

Only in Europe, you are responsible for one in each eight deaths:


Don't you know that you are still poisoning vulnerable people? 

Furthermore, have you ever voted for a Government?

If so  -  then you must be held accountable for all the corruption and mishandling that your chosen authority has done. Your Government corruption is killing people now - a lot of them - and for several reasons. You have made that decision.   

Not mentioning all these wars...internal and abroad...that you have willingly financed with your taxes:  You have blood in your hands Pharisees! 

How about your own lifestyle? 

Don't you know that yours smoking, drinking,  sedentary lifestyle and sexual promiscuity are stealing from the vulnerable ones who suffer from non-avoidable diseases? Do you think it is moral that taxation should finance your misbehaviours? 

You are just coward ones trying to save your own....aspirations... 

You formulate or condone rules you want others to follow  - but you yourselves  are the ones practicing the most harmful things in the world!! 

You've given up yours and your children's self-ownership as a sacrifice to the modern-day Baal (Government) and you condemn others who don't want to follow you! 


You hypocrites!

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Universal Founded Principles - What are they?

 Universal Founded Principles - What are they?

Imagine if every single religious organization were to apply the following supposed "biblical principle": 

You should cease association with family members or any people who no longer belong to our religious Organization.

Is that a founded Principle? Let's see...

A principle is only "founded" or Universal when it works both ways: it should pass the Golden Rule Test of Reciprocity, namely:

"Treat others as you would like others to treat you"

"Do not treat others in ways that you would not like to be treated"

"What you wish upon others, you wish upon yourself"

Let's see some "test" cases…

John and his 35 years old son Alfred were both Catholics.

Alfred decided to leave Catholicism to become a Jehovah Witness.

Because John should follow a "founded biblical principle" - that means John must cease association with his son Alfred - now a former member of Catholic church.

And there is definitely no room for Alfred to be sad or upset because he knows that your father is just doing what is right - he is following a founded biblical principle. This is exactly what Alfred wants: his father to follow a founded Bible principle of shunning. Right?     

Laura and her sister Monica were both Mormon.

Laura decided to quit "The Saints of the Last Days" church to become a Jehovah Witness.

As a good Bible follower Monica will cease to associate with Laura. Because that is a Founded Biblical Principle - That is exactly what Laura also expects. Correct?

The Truth:

Any Jehovah witnesses who decided to leave other religious organisations to become a member of the WatchTower Organisation expected and wanted their former belief-system mates - be family members or others - to keep associating with them - despite their new religious belief system.

If you want to become a Jehovah Witness and you still want to:

  • Keep associating with your Catholic father and Lutheran mother - even though you are no longer Catholic or Lutheran. 

  • Keep associating with your Baptist son - even though you are no longer from Baptist church.

  • Keep associating with your Anglican neighbors and family - even though you are no longer from this church.

Then - likewise - you must also: 

"Treat others as you would like others to treat you"

"Do not treat others in ways that you would not like to be treated"

"What you wish upon others, you wish upon yourself"

So that the current practice of Jehovah Witnesses of ceasing association or shunning former members is not a founded or Universal Principle. Far from it : It is indeed a Violation of the Universal Golden Rule Principle. 


The Hypocrisy 

One of the WatchTower Organisation and members main goal is to change people's belief system by means of a so called "preaching" work. 

So they benefit when people from other religions organisation respect the Golden Rule - but they themselves do not.

And such life-impacting shunning policy makes the WatchTower Organisation similar to Hotel California for some or Roach Motel for others. 

You can check out any time you like

But you can never leave!

“Roaches check in, but they don't check out!” 


And more hypocrisy to the table...

WatchTower organisation frequently  appeals to governments and world authorities when it feels victim of injustices - and at the same time the organisation tries to argue that it is not proper for government's authorities  to interfere in the decisions made by adults - unless it is to the benefit of WatchTower.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

A spoiled and selfish generation

 True selfishness is:

Neglecting, not valuing and losing individual rights and freedoms enjoyed by the current generation but which were conquered by the sacrifice of past generations and which however will not be granted neither enjoyed by future generations.

Take care of the rights you handed over so easily: The State is Mutable. 

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Jesus banned from mainstream social media

In order to prevent views that are likely to stir up hatred, Jesus of Nazareth has been banned from mainstream social media platforms.

These are some examples of his hate speech:

You serpents, you brood of vipers, how are you to escape being sentenced to hell? - Matthew 23:33

You brood of vipers! How can you speak good, when you are evil? - Matthew 12:34

You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean

O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it! - Luke 13:34

...you are changing it (the Temple) into a ‘hiding place for thieves.’ - Matthew 21:13 

And you, Capernaum, will you be lifted to the heavens? No, you will go down to Hades.- Matthew 11

You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies. - John 8:44

Jesus who is also treasonously called King by his followers has also publicly threatened to destroy state-funded buildings like the Temple.

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Lockdowns and Disfellowships - The consequences of Immoral Authority

You know you've reached dystopia when voluntary peaceful association is criminalised.  

Humanity has been put into lockdown in the name of "Safety" goddess  - that is also a form of ostracism. 

threatens fundamental human needs, such as belonging and self-esteem

According to


WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. - Ostracism or exclusion may not leave external scars, but it can cause pain that often is deeper and lasts longer than a physical injury, according to a Purdue University expert.

"Being excluded or ostracized is an invisible form of bullying that doesn't leave bruises, and therefore we often underestimate its impact," said Kipling D. Williams, a professor of psychological sciences. "Being excluded by high school friends, office colleagues, or even spouses or family members can be excruciating. And because ostracism is experienced in three stages, the life of those painful feelings can be extended for the long term. People and clinicians need to be aware of this so they can avoid depression or other negative experiences."

When a person is ostracized, the brain's dorsal anterior cingulate cortex, which registers physical pain, also feels this social injury

Williams' research is reported in the current issue of Current Directions in Psychological Sciences. The article was co-authored by Steve A. Nida, associate provost and dean of The Citadel Graduate College and a professor of psychology.

"Being excluded is painful because it threatens fundamental human needs, such as belonging and self-esteem," Williams said. "Again and again research has found that strong, harmful reactions are possible even when ostracized by a stranger or for a short amount of time."


Lockdown is creating unprecedented mental illness pandemic: